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WooCommerce Subscriptions Configuration

All subscription-related configuration options are available in the settings. Please note that these settings are only available with the premium version of WC Serial Numbers.

Please also note that the WooCommerce Subscriptions must be installed and activated.

Override Expired Licenses

In this setting, you can make two choices.

First, you can override the expiration date of a license with the next payment date of the subscription, and second with the end date.

Here you have to decide what makes sense for you. However, we generally recommend both, because when a subscription is canceled, the license should also expire.

When a subscription gets renewed, there will also be a new payment date. In this case, the expiration date of the license should also be set to the new payment date.

Change the Expire Time for Licenses

Here you can define how many hours should be added to the new expiration date of a license when renewing a subscription.

We recommend doing this because a subscription sometimes takes a few hours to update or if, for example, the payment method has expired. This will then prevent the customer from not being able to use his license and suffering a failure on his end, which can sometimes cause financial damages.

Limit Access to Licenses

Here you can define if licenses should be locked after a cancellation or expiration of a subscription.

Auto License Renewal

Activate this setting if you want to renew the licenses belonging to a subscription automatically when the subscription gets renewed. For this, it is important that you allow the overwriting of the expiration date of a license with the payment date of a subscription.

Otherwise, you will need to renew the license manually. The license will be renewed as long as the subscription is renewed.

That’s it!