Top 7 Minimum Maximum Quantity and Step Control Plugins for WooCommerce

WooCommerce by default allows buyers to select any quantity of a product, put it in their cart, and then go to checkout. But you can control your consumers to purchase a certain quantity of items before they check out. Here is the list of the Top 7 Free Minimum Maximum Quantity and Step Control Plugin for WooCommerce
So if you’re an online wholesaler or sell your products at a discount and only make money on bulk purchases, this functionality can be extremely handy. In any situation, you’ll need to install a WooCommerce product quantity plugin.
Even these plugins, once installed and enabled, will allow you to set a minimum and maximum limit for your goods. Customers must purchase at least, or equal to, the specified amount, or they will not be permitted to make the purchase.
As a result, we’ve created a list of the top 10 WooCommerce plugins for setting the minimum order quantity for this article.
We tried to make the list as wide as possible, offering you access to both premium feature-rich solutions and many simple, easy-to-manage, and free ones. There’s a good chance you’ll find anything that suits your specifications.
Min Max Quantities for WooCommerce
Min Max Quantities for WooCommerce is the best Minimum Maximum Quantity and Step Control Plugin in the market by feature. This plugin defines the minimum and maximum product quantities as well as pricing that customers can purchase.
Specifically, product, variation, category, order quantity, and price limits can be declared.
Min Max Quantities for WooCommerce allows you to specify quantities and pricing for products, variations, and orders using different criteria. Consequently, customers can only buy things up to the defined minimum/maximum threshold with this extension.

- You can set the Minimum-Maximum Quantity Rule for All Products
- Minimum-Maximum Price Rule for All Products
- Additionally, the step count to sell products in the group
- Product quantity rule for the cart
- The product price limit for the cart
- Minimum-Maximum Quantity and Price Rule for Each Product
- For variable products, there are minimum and maximum quantities as well as price constraints.
- Further, you can set minimum-maximum rules for each category
- Option to ignore product, category, and variation-specific rules
- Furthermore, product-specific rules take precedence over store-wide restrictions.
- Notification if the number and price of products ordered do not match the rules.
In a nutshell, the plugin provides the following options:
Set the minimum order quantity – Customers must purchase at least this amount of products in order to proceed to checkout.
Put the maximum order quantity – The customer must purchase no more than this amount of products in order to complete the checkout process.
Set the minimum order amount – The customer’s purchase must exceed this amount.
Put the maximum order value – the customer’s purchase must be less than this value.
You can create limits not just for orders, but also at the product level.
Parent Product Restriction – Set quantity and pricing thresholds for storewide rules from the product level.
Variable Product Restriction – Set quantity and price thresholds from the variation level over the product rule
Restriction on Category Restriction – From the category and subcategory level, set quantity and price thresholds.
Quantity Step – To sell products in a group of X, set multiple counts of products.
Lastly, customers won’t be able to check out until they fulfill your stated criteria. Notifications will also be displayed on the single product page and the basket page to aid clients in correcting the number or value.
Free version download click here!
Premium version download click here!
Order Minimum/Maximum Amount for WooCommerce [Freemium]
The Order Minimum/Maximum Amount for WooCommerce plugin allows you to specify needed minimum and/or maximum amounts (for example, sum, quantity, weight, volume, etc.) for WooCommerce orders.
Therefore, You can configure the following minimum and/or maximum order amounts with our plugin (you can enable multiple amount types at once):
- Set separate order quantities per user role if desired
- Display customer messages on the cart page and checkout page.
- If you wish to calculate the entire sum of your basket without taxes, shipping, discounts, and/or fees, select this option.
- Customers can be denied access to the checkout page if the minimum order amount is not met.
- For products with maximum amounts, confirm amounts instantly on add to basket, or hide the “add to cart” button completely for products with exceeding amounts.
Min Max Quantity & Step Control for WooCommerce [Freemium]
The WooCommerce Min Max Quantity & Step Control plugin allows you to configure the product’s minimum and maximum quantities.
You can set global values for all goods. All products will have the same values.
As well as values can be set by category. In this instance, the minimum, maximum, and step values will only apply to the categories that have been selected.
You can also specify values for each product separately. Product label values will override global and category
- Set a product’s default quantity.
- Put a product’s minimum quantity value.
- Set the maximum quantity for each product.
- Put the product quantity step.
- Set global minimum, maximum, and step values.
- Adjust the minimum, maximum, and step settings for each product separately.
- Set values for each category.
Product Quantity, Minimum Maximum quantity & Minimum Order quantity WooCommerce [Freemium]
- Activate the plugin, then go to the settings page to define the global level minimum and maximum product quantities.
- Specify a minimum purchase product quantity for each item.
- Set a limit on the amount of each purchased product.
- Set a minimum cart total that is equal to the minimum total at checkout.
- You can disable the quantity restriction on a certain product if you don’t want it.
- At the same time, you can set a minimum amount that is restricted to the total amount in the cart.
- You can only omit two products from the global minimum amount restriction in the free version.
- Set alternative minimum amount limitation messages based on the total amount in the cart as a percentage of the minimum amount set in the plugin settings
Min/Max, Default & Dropdown Quantity for WooCommerce [Freemium]
The WooCommerce All-in-One Product Quantity plugin gives you complete control over product order quantities.
Again you can use this plugin to specify a minimum quantity for all products in your WooCommerce store, a maximum quantity, or a quantity step so that buyers can only buy in multiples of your defined step.
Furthermore, the plugin now has a Default Amount feature, which allows you to display a default quantity for your products when clients visit the product page, as well as on archives/categories pages.
- Minimum product order quantities should be set (cart total minimum quantity or per item minimum quantity).
- Set all the maximum number of products that can be ordered (cart total maximum quantity or per item maximum quantity).
- Set the product quantity (cart total quantity step or per item quantity step).
- For all of your store’s products, set the default quantity.
- In WooCommerce, enable decimal quantities.
- The dropdown should be used instead of the regular WooCommerce amount number input.
- Set exact (i.e. fixed) quantities that are authorized or banned (as comma comma-separated list).
- Show the total price for the quantity in five different places: Before, instead of, or after the price, and before, instead of, or after the add-to-cart.
- Define a unit to display next to the price (for example, $10 per KG).
- Show quantity field on archive/categories pages so customers can add to the cart directly the desired quantity
Minimum and Maximum Quantity for WooCommerce [Freemium]
It lets you set the minimum and maximum product quantities for each product, category, and country
For order quantity, order amount, and order item, you can select the minimum and maximum checkout values.
- Quantity rules for orders, goods, categories, and countries are simple to create.
- You can enable or disable add-to-cart quantity that is validated and corrected.
- For all of your store’s products, set the default quantity.
- At the same time, you can manage the rules for minimum and maximum quantities.
- Rules for Clone Minimum and Maximum Quantity
WooCommerce Minimum and Maximum Quantity [Free]
It is a WordPress WooCommerce support plugin that allows site administrators to enable the minimum and maximum purchase features for each product.
- Admin can enable/disable this feature on each product.
- At the same time, the admin can manage the minimum and maximum limits for each product.
- Similarly Added a feature to do increments based on the increment set by the admin.