WC Tab Manager

Enhance Your Product Pages and Provide Valuable Insights

Add Custom Tabs to Your Product Page Have full control over the tabs and customize them to suit your specific needs.

A yearly licence entitles you to 1 year of updates and support whereas a Lifetime licence entitles you to lifetime updates and support.

Add Custom Tabs to Your Product Page

Have full control over the tabs and customize them to suit your specific needs.

Personalize Default
WooCommerce’s Product Tabs

  • Modify the standard WooCommerce product tabs – ‘Description’, ‘Additional Information’, and ‘Reviews’.
  • Options to remove these tabs completely and change their default position on the product page.
  • Options to alter tab titles to meet your Woo store’s style and the information required for your customers.

Create Unlimited
Custom Product Tabs

  • Option to share support, Q&A, technical information, or any other details you want to include in your product page with unlimited tabs.
  • Create custom tabs for your product details page with unique content and styling using the HTML editor alongside the visual editor.
  • Option to edit each tab or add new tabs from the product page if you want to modify the default or custom product tab set for the product.

Create Store Wide Custom
Tabs for Efficient Management

  • Option to add global custom tabs for the entire store that will apply to all products or specific categories at once.
  • Options to add the custom tabs in all products & categories while removing some default tabs for each product individually.
  • Take full control over the placement of your tabs to display in the correct order to best fit your page layout and design.

Utilize Shortcodes
Integration in Tabs

  • Option to use shortcodes to display or showcase information.
  • Option to display custom field values, image sliders, or other dynamic content for more engagement.
  • Option to use an interactive form or any file uploader in custom tabs using shortcodes to stay consistent and one step ahead.