WC Quantity Plus Minus Buttons

Plus/Minus Button for Quantity Input Box

Easily add plus, minus button for WooCommerce quantity input box in everywhere.

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Change Product Quantity with Buttons

Add quantity increment and decrement buttons for the product quantity input control.

Easy to Configure

  • Add quantity updater buttons to increase or decrease product quantity.
  • Feature available on product details, cart pages, and every place where the quantity input box will be present.
  • On the cart page, the quantity updater will hide the Update Cart button and automatically update the cart on quantity change.

Simple But Effective

  • It supports all types of products and it’s a lightweight plugin that will not affect your website speed and optimization score.
  • Option to customize the button border width, radius, color, and hover color based on your preferences.
  • Option to customize the quantity field styles based on your preferences.